.NET 7.0 protection support
.NET Reactor command-line app for Linux and macOS
.NET MAUI protection support
Added further 'Obfuscation' naming conventions
Added .NET bundle compression support
Added 'Fallback To Inbuilt Settings' licensing option
Added option to overwrite existing mapping files
Added 'Merge Mapping Files' option to output a single mapping file
Added 'Xamarin/MAUI Blob File Viewer' tool to check the content of protected blob files
Added 'Declarative Protection' option
Added 'NecroBit' support for ARM/ARM64 CPUs. Supported OS: Windows, Linux, macOS, Android, iOS
Improved 'String Encryption'
Improved 'Control Flow Obfuscation'
Improved cross assembly obfuscation
Improved merging to support WPF assemblies containing resources with duplicate XAML/BAML names
Improved stack trace deobfuscation
Improved .NET Reactor protection speed (especially when called via command-line)
Portable PDB output support
Minor improvements
Fixed 'Code Virtualization' issues
Fixed bundling issue
Fixed Razor Page obfuscation issue
Fixed ReadyToRun issue
Fixed VS 2022 Add-in issue
Fixed minor bugs